Eliminate Confusion - Make a Plan

Confusion in any area of our lives creates a whole range of negative emotions that hinder our ability to move forward and grow. It activates a problem-solving response in our brains where we try and find a fix or solution to the state we are in.

Feelings like frustration, anger, annoyance or even guilt overwhelm us and arrive in different forms depending on our personal experiences. These feelings then sit firmly in our emotional state as we try to find clarity and move forward with the next steps.

Confusion seems to shows up at the most inappropriate times. The times, when we feel in most need of a solution, and the times where we seem to be experiencing the most pressure, or a sense of personal pain. 

This happens not only in our personal lives, but in our work and business lives also, and can have massive productivity impacts on what we are trying to achieve.

These feelings can drive us to take more immediate and sometimes impulsive action in order to deal with the emotional responses we are experiencing. Each one of us has our own go-to feel-good action or distraction to get us from the pain we feel to the pleasure response that we desire. This may involve trying to deploy every resource we have inappropriately or ineffectively to solve the problem, which feels like trying to use a sledgehammer to hammer a nail; or it may simply be trying to divert the blame to someone else to have them be the reason the confusion exists. Whatever the response, there is always, in my opinion, a better way.

Confusion is an indicator that the outcome we were looking for has probably not been clearly identified or agreed. It may be that we have yet to take the time to consider our options and allow ourselves the chance to explore possibilities from a multitude of angles. It is, however, an awareness trigger that we can be used positively to create the change that enables a more harmonious and productive way to operate.

Wouldn't it be great if we just knew the next step to take and what we were going to create when we completed it? Well, this is can be accomplished through the power of planning.

By deciding what you want, looking at ways to get there and reviewing progress at regular intervals, the outcome remains in focus and the actions remain relevant and aligned to the immediate activity you are undertaking. Focusing your attention on deciding, what, how and why you are doing the things upfront through planning, replaces confusion with intention and creates a positive focus for the activity you choose to undertake. This is the value of planning and planning your work and working your plan is one of the most productive ways to ensure you remain focused and clear on your goal.

I've heard many people in my life say that this may work well for longer term goals, but what about the immediate issues that pop up seemingly from out of nowhere? With these, I believe it's probably more important to take stock of the outcome you desire so that the best outcome can be achieved for everyone involved.

So I ask you, whose outcome is more important, and whose outcome the real priority? I guess only you can ever decide that at that moment.

This same question is though is the reason why ambulance officers triage patients in emergency situations. Their outcome is focused on saving as many lives as possible. If they only focused on the one person in front of them with a sore thumb, they may not be able to act to save the lives of others with more severe and life-threatening injuries around them.

Without a plan in focus, you leave yourself open to distraction, and potentially focusing on the things that matter the least. Having a plan, allows you to decide on your options and evaluate one choice against another based on what YOU have decided is important. With your plan firmly in place, you get to choose your options more effectively when things change and decide for yourself the change of outcome you are now creating.

Remember a plan is just a proposal for the things you want to do, it's not set in stone, it's not signed in blood, its a statement of your intention to do something in a way you have chosen to do it. A plan can and will change, and each time you review it you can refine the actions to move closer to the outcome you are looking to achieve.

Here is a simple way to create a daily plan to maintain clarity and focus.

1) Each day write down 3 outcomes you want to achieve for the day

By creating a plan of outcomes you are deciding where you want to go and what you want to create, rather than allowing other things to distract you.

2) Choose an action that will create that outcome and make these your TO-DO's

Decide the outcome first rather than the actions so you ensure you take actions that will create your outcome. This will maintain the focus on why you are doing the activity, ensure your not just doing the activity itself.

3) Accept that things may change the plan. 

We know that we can not and would not want to predict everything that might occur on any given day. Acknowledge that this is ok and that when things change, new opportunities are created; then decide which ones you want to take.

4) When you choose to change your plan, know your change in outcome.

When a new idea or influence occurs, decide your priority. Your day is your choice, your outcome your choice, so choose where you focus your attention. Own the decision, and make a choice based on the considered new outcome it will create.

5) Celebrate ALL your successes every day

Once you have completed your day, acknowledge your success, including the changes that you consciously decided to make! By recognising you made the decision to change, you enhance the clarity around the outcomes created.

Creating the outcome you desire is important, but without deciding what they are or making that the plan, it is extremely hard to maintain clarity and focus or celebrate your own success. 

"Plan your work and work your Plan" - Napoleon Hill


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